
Heyman take your hands off me wwe
Heyman take your hands off me wwe

heyman take your hands off me wwe

We see a promo for the Los Matadores who are debuting next. Could they have picked any two superstars with no conflict for the Kickoff in Buffalo? Is is a red herring for a Damien Sandow cash in later in the night? Maybe Sandow has been starting to do the false cash in gimmick on house shows this past weekend. Maybe this will to a match Sunday? Dolph Ziggler will face Damien Sandow this Sunday. Kingston was still in the ring for some reason and had a chair was waiting for an attack that didn't happen. And then he said he knows what you must do and put everyone down out of their misery. Bray Wyatt sitting in his rocking chair says when he was a kid he didn't understand why all the bad things happen to him. After the match, the Wyatt family comes out. I like the integration of the YouTube clips though the show the devastation of the Trouble in Paradise gives Kofi more credibility. They seem to be on the outside looking in at this point. Kofi Kingston defeats Fandango rather easily. From causing Curtis Axel to lose to R Truth to feigning in the injury using a kendo stick on Paul Heyman's ankle and keeping his henchmen. From the proposal of Heyman to Ryback in joining his stable to Punk messing with Heyman's guys with distractions. I think the action between Heyman-Ryback and Punk reminds me a lot of the Road Runner cartoons. We have a multitude of segments throughout the night with Ryback and crew. They gave Langston some offense, it makes you wonder what the future holds for the big man going forward. The match itself was great for getting the idea over that Punk can beat the big man Ryback this Sunday. Out comes, Big E Langston, who challenges Punk to a fight. Raw General Manager Brad Maddox comes out and says that CM Punk won't fight Ryback till this Sunday but he will have a match on the show. Punk says he doesn't want to wait any more, it doesn't matter if it's Curtis Axel Ryback or Heyman he wants to fight. This Straight Edge Superstar once again breaking the fourth wall saying that the fans all know how the story ends with him getting his hands on Heyman. Punk said he should've seen it coming getting beaten up in his hometown. Were they victorious? Or should they be waving the white flag? The night begins as CM Punk comes to the ring talking about the beating he received last week. WWE had quite quite a lot to tackle from their fight against cancer with Susan G Komen, battling strong television competition and the war for your almighty dollar this Sunday.

heyman take your hands off me wwe

This week's Raw had a all three of these in spades. When a warrior enters the battleground, sometimes they fight for honor, they fight for love, or the fight for family.

Heyman take your hands off me wwe